Micunovic Medical

Micunovic Medical Featured

56а, 4 4. Jul, Podgorica, Montenegro
Podgorica, ME
Claim Listing
Center of Excellence in Dental Implantology in Montenegro


Dr Miljan Micunovic is a specialist in stomatology, an oral surgeon, and a zygomatic implant expert. He is also the owner and one of the leading surgeons at the ZAGA Center Montenegro, Micunovic Medical. In particular, Micunovic Medical is strategically located in Podgorica and it is specialized in treating patients with various dental issues, from the simple ones to those requiring more attention.

Above all, Dr Micunovic comes from a long tradition of professionals, hence, he decided to continue in his parents’ footsteps. Nowadays, Dr Micunovic works with his father, Dr Petar Micunovic, a specialist in dental prosthetics. As a result, Dr Miljan Micunovic developed a passion for dentistry and zygomatic implants at an early age. He graduated first from the Faculty of Dentistry in Pancevo, Serbia, in 2011. Afterward, he completed his medical studies at the Medical Faculty in Podgorica. Moreover, Dr Micunovic studied and trained to become a dental professional both nationally and internationally. Therefore, not only does he provides the best care to his patients but he is a polyglot. In fact, Dr Micunovic treats and welcomes his patients in several languages, including Albanian, English, Italian, and Spanish. Finally, Dr Micunovic specialized in zygomatic implants and he was certified for the installation and use of the implant systems “Dentsply Ankylos”, “Biohorizons” and “B and B."

The Dental Office is situated in Podgorica on the highway Podgorica-Bar, 400 m from the Shopping Mall of Montenegro in the Europact building. Dr. stom. Miljan Mićunović is oral surgeon and implantologist, graduated at the Dental Faculty of Pančevo/Serbia. He is owner of the "Mićunović Medical" in the Capital of Montenegro, Podgorica. He speaks English, Italian, Spanish and Albanian.

Zygomatic implantology using zygoma or zygomatic implants is a revolutionary technique that is inserted into the jaw bone and is used to rehabilitate the upper jaw.

This most advanced technique in today's dentistry used in cases of resorption of the upper jaw bone, and classic mobile dentures are not a satisfactory option that solves the problem of toothlessness and creates discomfort to the patient when eating and speaking, whether it is a failure to tolerate the amount of material that covers the palate or poor fixation inside the mouth.

A dental office that provides smile restoration technique using zigomatic implants must have a specially educated, expert team consisting of maxillofacial surgeons.

This surgical technique involves a special protocol that begins with a detailed diagnostic image of the patient, and is especially useful zone beam CT which gives an excellent 3D insight into the condition of the upper jaw, such as the dimensions and quality of the bone, and thus you can accurately choose the type of implant, position and tilt of them.

When and if the condition of severe upper jaw atrophy is detected, the patient becomes a candidate for zygomatic implants.

Are you also thinking about whether you are a candidate for the solutions provided by zygomatic implantology? You are welcome for a free examination and consultation with our team, to make a decision together for complete and permanent smile restoration in extreme jaw atrophy.

Virtually everything that seemed impossible until now - is no longer.

Zigomatska implantologija koja koristi zygoma ili zigomatične implante revolucionarna je tehnika koja se ugrađuje u jagodičnu kost i služi za rehabilitaciju gornje vilice. Ova najnaprednija tehnika u današnjoj stomatologiji koja se koristi u slučajevima resorpcije kosti gornje vilice, a klasična mobilna proteza nije zadovoljavajuća opcija koja rješava problem bezubosti i pacijentu stvara nelagodu kod jedenja i govora, bilo da se radi o nepodnošenju količine materijala koji prekriva nepce ili lošoj fiksaciji unutar ustiju. Stomatološka ordinacija koja pruža tehniku restauriranja osmijeha u kojoj se koriste zigomatski implanti mora imati posebno edukovan, stručan tim koji sačinjavaju maksilofacijalni hirurzi. Ova hirurška tehnika podrazumijeva poseban protokol koji započinje detaljnom dijagnostičkom slikom pacijenta, a posebno je koristan cone beam CT koji daje odličan 3D uvid u stanje gornje čeljusti, kao što su dimenzije i kvaliteta kosti, a samim time se može tačno izabrati vrsta implanta, položaj i nagib istih. Kad i ako se utvrdi stanje teške atrofije gornje vilicd, pacijent postaje kandidat za zigomatske implantate. Razmišljate li i vi o tome jeste li kandidat za rješenja koja pruža zigomatska implantologija? Dobrodošli ste na besplatan pregled i konsultacije s našim timom, kako bi se zajednički donijela odluka za potpuno i trajno restauriranje osmijeha kod ekstremne atrofije čeljusti. Praktično sve što se do sada činilo nemogućim - više nije.


Are you also thinking about whether you are a candidate for the solutions provided by zygomatic implantology? You are welcome for a free examination and consultation with our team, to make a decision together for complete and permanent smile restoration in extreme jaw atrophy.


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Monday 8:00 AM-8:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM-8:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM-8:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM-8:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM-2:00 PM



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